Music Teacher resources for violin and piano teachers

Denley Music

You Can Steer Yourself Any Direction You ‘Chews’

I removed all the Harry Potter containers and jars from my piano, and I have a new canister there now.  It is labelled “You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes.  You can steer yourself any direction you ‘chews’ “.  I have filled it with Apple Chews, and students are drooling!

They need to get over 200 mins consistently or beat their practice score from last week in order to earn a ‘chew’.  The great thing is that there are different varieties of ‘chews’, so you can add different things to the jar each week.

Here is the quote I used on my jar.  Jar quotes It seems such a waste of paper for one quote, so I will rack my brains to try and come up with some more.  I have some flash cards in mind, and may need a quote or two to put on those.