Music Teacher resources for violin and piano teachers

Denley Music

The Great Music Dig introduction

For the commencement of The Great Music Dig’ theme, I decided to write up a brief outline for my students outlining the theme.  I provided  a brief explanation of an archaeology dig site and a description of some of the tools archaeologists might use.  I then likened the archaeology dig site tools to the ones we use to make the notes on our pages more interesting.

Each student received the following:-

  1. A handout of the explanation of the archaeology dig site and tools they use.
  2. Their own Archaeology File (a manila folder with a cover glued on and their name written on the outside)
  3. This term’s newsletter from me.
  4. Most students received a Halloween themed challenge for homework as well as their usual assignment of pieces/scales/exercises etc.

If you would like to see the handout of the explanation I gave to my students, click here: The Great Music Dig introduction

For a copy of the Archaeology File Cover, click here: The Great Music Dig file cover

I printed out pictures of the archaeology tools, laminated them and put them up on a whiteboard in my studio so I could ask the students to identify any tools they recognised and to tell me what they thought archaeologists might use them for.  Then we identified music tools on the pieces they were working on.  It was a great way to do general knowledge revision.  I don’t have a file copy of the archaeology tools though – but free clip art sites would be great for you to use for this purpose.


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