Jon Schmidt – Another favourite pianist of mine
Jon plays some beautiful songs (no, not upside down!):- “Waterfall”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7toBVVK9EA&feature=fvsr “Game Day”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1IvK_rt_wg&feature=relmfu “I Saw Three Ships”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7jZXkxcIgM “Sacred Ground”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OICK1M6s2MQ&feature=related And with a little help from friends:- “Love Story” (with Viva La Vida) (with Steven Sharp Nelson on the Cello and Bass Drum) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXtVBJDPs6k “Michael Meets Mozart” (again with Steve Nelson): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rR94NDIfGmA&feature=relmfu […]
Creative Time Management – taking short breaks during music lessons?
Not trying to be opinionated here, but this article (Creative Time Management for the Full Time Independent Music Teacher left me a little perplexed. Perhaps things are different in Australia, or I just have very high standards, but I don’t wander off to pay bills during my students’ music lessons. I also make sure I […]
Recipe for a successful music lesson
I’m not sure where I stumbled across this, but I love it – Karen Harrington’s Recipe for a Successful Music Lesson: Ingredients: Cheerful music teacher, willing student, 2 oz. of understanding, 8 oz. of patience, 1 pint constructive criticism mixed with an equal amount of praise, 1 lb. technique, 1 cup dynamics, 2 cups of […]
I think I’ve fallen in love…
and my husband has been informed 😀 The gorgeous sound of Joshua Bell playing ‘O Mio Babbino Caro’ is absolutely music to my ears. It is a song I could never be sick of, providing Joshua Bell is playing it! Yes, he moves around a lot, some people find it distracting, but if you close […]
Orchestra Antics
Conductor: Wait, what just happened there? Clarinet: Do you have a fermata here, because we have a fermata. Conductor: Oh, is that why you stopped? Trumpet: Well, I have a railroad track. Conductor: I don’t have anything there in my score. Does anyone else have something? Oboe: I got a fermata. Flute: My part says […]
The Versatile Blogger Award
Wow, so I don’t get many awards these days, but I was very touched to receive this award from Heidi at Heidi’s Piano Notes. Thanks Heidi!!! 😀 To accept this award, I must… 1-Link back to the person who gave me the award. 2-Share 7 random things about myself. 3-Pass the award along to other […]
Some light hearted archaeology humour…just because
After having dug to a depth of 10 feet last year, British scientists found traces of copper wire dating back 200 years and came to the conclusion that their ancestors already had a telephone network more than 150 years ago. Not to be outdone by the British , in the weeks that followed, an American […]
Singing Time – learning a new song (with a bouncy die)
I am helping out with our Ward’s Singing Time until the end of January as the Music Leader has gone to Hawaii (lucky her!!!). We were asked to do a Christmas musical item in Sacrament Meeting however only had 3 weeks to learn something. I chose to do a Medley of ‘When Joseph Went To Bethlehem’ and […]
Nurturing Creativity
A friend shared this talk by Sir Ken Robinson at the 2006 TED Conference on ‘Do Schools Kill Creativity’. He talks about the need to nurture creativity and why it is so important. Usually we focus on the academic side of things – Maths, Science and English. Dance, Drama, Music and the Visual Arts are pushed right […]
Booked up with a waiting list
Well, that’s it folks, I can’t take on any more students apart from those already on my waiting list, but I’m not sure how long they’ll be waiting for (hopefully not too much longer – there are only a few on that list now). I have to wait until any of my current students move or […]
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