Music Teacher resources for violin and piano teachers

Denley Music

Spelling Bee – violin game

My son was recently in a Spelling Bee competition at his school and did really well (was in the final top 10 – so proud of him!).  I previously had my piano students play a game with cards involving words you could spell with the letters ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’, ‘E’, ‘F’ and ‘G’.  The thought occurred to me that I could combine the two.

Spelling Bee Game Board

How to play:

  1. Student uses the two sets of music alphabet letters (if they choose) to make up a word at the bottom of the game board.
  2. Use the bees on the second page under the letters to spell out the word on the violin fingerboard.

If students need to put a bee on an open string, I have my students put the bees right at the top of the string, where the very first line joins up just under the words “Spelling Bee”.

To print out a copy of the game board, alphabet and bees, click here: Spelling Bee Game for violin

Spelling Bee alphabet and bees

Alternative ways to play:-

  • Purchase little 3D bees from craft stores instead.  Easier for little hands to manoeuvre.
  • See how many words your student can put together in 1 minute using the music alphabet.
  • Take turns spelling words until you run out of words.
  • Student can play the word they have spelled out on their own violin.

For a list of musical alphabet words, click here: Musical Alphabet words from

Edited to add that I have found out there are a couple of piano sites that have Spelling Bee games on them too.  Natalie Wickham has posted a Spelling Game of hers up on the Music Matters Blog site: Natalie’s Spelling Bee version.  Anne Crosby (of Piano Discoveries) has made up her own Spelling Bee game involving a treble clef and bass clef stave as well, which you can find here: Anne Crosby’s spelling bee game.

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