Music Teacher resources for violin and piano teachers

Denley Music

Seats and Stools and Somebunnies, OH MY!

As you can see, I have a patchwork seat cover on my piano stool, thanks to my Mother-in-Law.  I LOVE it!  It is unique – not another one like it.  My students adore it, and have been known to absentmindly pick at some of the ribbon detail on it (they are told to stop it as soon as I notice though!).  It livens up an otherwise dull black piano stool.  This cover is over 15 years old, so has worn rather well.  I have asked for a new one…just for sentimental reasons so that when this one falls apart, I will be able to put the new one on, and keep it just for family use.

The underside of my piano seat (Yup, made in Japan!).  It seems the piano patchwork cover was stapled on with big staples.

These are my assortment of telephone books (this one I have covered and stiched up, kind of like a present), and the footstool my littlies use, which fits perfectly over the pedals.  If they need to use the pedals, I have them stand up so that they are balanced.  If my students are too big for the foot stool, but aren’t quite tall enough to have their feet flat on the floor, I use the two phone books in their original packaging.  My younger students sit on the fabric covered phone book and have their feet on the blue foot stool.

…where I stack my footstool and phone books so students can have easy access, and SOMEBUNNY who was adamant he wanted his picture taken.  I have been known to have bunnies wandering occasionally around my studio.  I DO have eight of them, and they are all friendly creatures.  This one is ‘Storm’, a Havana Blue (he is a beautiful grey colour, with eyes that match his fur).


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