Music Teacher resources for violin and piano teachers

Denley Music

Scales My Way

I have half my students doing AMEB Examinations at the moment and some preparing for other things.  Either way, they are all learning scales.  Those doing AMEB examinations need to learn scales with the correct rhythm/bowing (for the time being) however those that aren’t doing exams are free! 😀

I whipped up this chart for one of my 4th Grade students today.  I put a split pin and an arrow in the chart so I could place it on the music stand however a miniature bean bag without the arrow would work better (the split pin doesn’t work as well as I wanted it to).

 The solution is that my student span the arrow around and counted up to three.  We then played the scale we were working on the way the chart told us to.  Easy!

It just makes revising scales in a lesson much more interesting.

To print out a copy of the scales pie chart, click here: Scales My Way  If you do not want the arrow, only print page 1.

Students could use this at home for scale revision as well.


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