Music Teacher resources for violin and piano teachers

Denley Music

Piano Examinations with Kathryn Phillips

Now some people find Ms Phillips a bit of a tough nut, but I like her.  She has always been fair, never any surprise comments on exam reports – they’re always lovely, and she knows what she is doing.  I am careful to follow the Manual of Syllabuses to the letter though, and so does she.

She was the examiner my students were scheduled to be examined by today.    They all went well, no dramas apart from a last minute panic last night apparently when someone’s book went for a wander, but was found today. They all got the marks I expected they would receive (good ones too ;D )

Maree  (the AMEB Receiptionist on Level 8 with curly red hair) is always a delight and pleasure to deal with.  Boy does she get a few grumble bums calling her up though. 

Now I get to breathe a sigh of relief for a brief moment, then keep concentrating on my violin students who are scheduled later this month (not with Kathryn Phillips though).

Off now to finish my Georgette Heyer novel I started reading on the train…



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