A friend shared this talk by Sir Ken Robinson at the 2006 TED Conference on ‘Do Schools Kill Creativity’. He talks about the need to nurture creativity and why it is so important. Usually we focus on the academic side of things – Maths, Science and English. Dance, Drama, Music and the Visual Arts are pushed right to the end of the line as we think “you’re never going to get a job in that area”.
I am extremely thankful I was able to attend Newtown High School of the Performing Arts and participate and learn in ALL the areas of the Arts. I find I am still applying those music skills I learned during my teaching these days yet most of what I learned during maths has been forgotten. It only really needs to be brought up again when I have to assist my own children with their homework. I am also lucky to have had parents who took a keen interest in their childrens’ creative side and encouraged us. My father was present at every single concert I was involved in, and sat in every violin lesson (he was usually asleep, but he was there).
Here is the link to Sir Ken Robinson’s talk: Do Schools Kill Creativity