Music Teacher resources for violin and piano teachers

Denley Music

Note Race Game for Violin or Piano

Note Race Card Backs

A game I use with my students that needed a little ‘Dr Seuss-ing’.

For Violin:-

– Put the cards on the music stand

– You need two or more players

– Remove the Middle C card.  It isn’t needed on the violin

– Each player takes a turn turning over a card

– Start from the lowest note. ie, if the first player turns over a ‘G’, they have to play the lowest G on the violin.  Second player turns over a card.  If they turn over an ‘F’, they have to the play an ‘F’ higher than the first note (ie would be second finger on the D string).  Keep turning over cards and going higher and higher on the violin.  The player who can go the highest wins!  Great for reviewing position work.


For Piano:-

– Put the cards on the piano stand

– Two players are needed

– It’s your choice to keep one or two Middle C cards in – two if you want a really fast game.

– Choose your end of the piano.  Turn over cards alternating between players, and work your way into the centre of the piano.  First player to turn over a ‘Middle C’ card wins.

The front and backs of the cards are here: Note Race Cards I recommend printing out two copies of the cards.

Note Race Cards