Music Teacher resources for violin and piano teachers

Denley Music

Music Appreciation in Relief Society

I had typed these up a while ago, but they may come in handy for Relief Society or where needed:-

  • Learning new hymns (the Music Chairperson will let you know which lesser known hymns are coming up in Sacrament meeting to revise during Music Appreciation)
  • Understanding the words of a hymn (reading the hymn aloud and pondering on the words of the hymn and their meaning).
  • Learning about the composers who wrote the text and/or music for our hymns.
  • Listening to classical music
  • Listening to relaxation tapes to develop a love for music in nature.
  • Revise favourite hymns but use “Ice Cream Lovers Stand” etc. cards to add a spark!
  • Introduce an instrument – invite a ward member to demonstrate an instrument they play.
  • Teach music theory (i.e. what a bass clef/treble clef is, or what the notes are using rhymes – “Spaces are FACE’s” for the notes in spaces in the treble clef.
  • Award ‘super singer’ awards occasionally, like they do in Primary to encourage Sisters to sing.
  • Schedule musical items – ask Sisters to provide a musical item for Musical Appreciation (allow enough time for them to practice)
  • Learn sign language to songs/hymns.
  • Learn musical items for sacrament meeting if ‘Relief Society’ is asked to sing an item.
  • Listen to music from other cultures.
  • Learn about medieval instruments.
  • Sing along to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.  Speak about the Choirs of Angels mentioned in the Scriptures and then invite the Sisters to sing along to a recording of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
  • Play different types of music and ask how this makes the Sisters feel (bearing in mind that it is still Sunday).
  • Do movement to music.  Kids will especially love to do this with Mum at home.
  • Discuss Music in the Home.  The home is the first place children learn to appreciate music.  Keeps Mum calm.  Makes chores seem easier when listening to music.  Helps those working outside the home relax after a stressful day (and those working in the home too).
  • Teach rhythm.  Have three or four different rhythms being clapped/tapped again each other.  Try it at different tempos.
  • Learn about different percussion instruments.  Make your own shakers out of toilet rolls.  Fill with rice or dried lentils and seal the ends.  Make a rain stick.  Fill plastic soft drink bottles with dried lentils or rice.
  • Have the Sisters sing along to the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s ‘Messiah’.  This should prove to be interesting!


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