Music Teacher resources for violin and piano teachers

Denley Music

I Hope They Call Me On A Mission – Piano Trio Primary Song

A very popular song in our Primary Song Book is ‘I Hope They Call Me On A Mission’.  I have three young gentlemen I teach who are great buddies, a very similar age and all learn piano from me.  I thought it would be a fantastic idea for them to do a piano trio as a musical item at Church.

After the initial “I’ll do it if he does it”, they are all enthusiastically learning their parts, and we’re about to start putting it together.

It is a fairly simple arrangement, the top two parts parts have a fixed five finger position (thumbs sharing) and a simplified melody.  The bottom part is a little harder finger-wise, but extremely repetitive.

At the performance we are going to have one of the mums and me kneeling behind the 3 boys to ensure they keep in time, as that will be the most difficult part – and making sure they don’t giggle their way through it!

To download the three parts click here:  I Hope They Call Me On A Mission Trio

To download the score, click here: I Hope They Call Me On A Mission Score



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