Music Teacher resources for violin and piano teachers

Denley Music

House Shields – Slytherdor and Ravenpuff

Another clever person put up some house shields on the internet.  I Googled ‘Slytherdor’ and ‘Ravenpuff’ and they came up just when I needed them, but they’re not coming up for me right now.

Anyways, to be a bit naughty and not being able to find the original source and therefore give credit to the original Harry Potter fan and their fan art, here is the copy I was able to get: House Shields: Slytherdor and Ravenpuff

I have a whiteboard divided up in two with the names of the two teams.  I will write up the house points on that board each week.

How it works:

Each student needs to record the number of minutes they practice each week in their notebooks.  I will check their notebooks each lesson and convert the number of minutes they practice into house points (1 min of practice = 1 house point).

If students forget their notebooks, can’t provide proof of practice  or simply don’t practice, they will lose 20 points for their house.  Harsh, but that’s the ‘Snape’ side coming out ;D


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