Music Teacher resources for violin and piano teachers

Denley Music

Children’s Choir with violin solo ‘I’m Trying To Be Like Jesus’

I did this short arrangement for our upcoming Stake Conference later this month.

I kept it simple as it is going to be the prelude item.  The children are simply singing the melody the whole way through, with the boys beginning on the first verse, the girls singing the second verse and all singing the chorus.  The piano part isn’t very much different from what is in the Children’s Songbook, to enable the accompanist to learn the part quickly.  The violin part adds a lot of the colour.

To print out the full score, click here: Im Trying to Be Like Jesus Primary Choir score

To print out the violin part, click here: Im Trying to Be Like Jesus Primary Choir – Violin part

If you would like a copy of the children’s part, click here: Im Trying to Be Like Jesus Primary Choir – choral part

Newly added: Flute Part: I’ m Trying To Be Like Jesus – Flute 

The piano part isn’t available separately at this time.  Sibelius decided to have a fight with my computer and layer every single stave on top of each other.  It would take too much time to try to unscramble all that music however it is on the score!


5 responses to “Children’s Choir with violin solo ‘I’m Trying To Be Like Jesus’”

  1. Hi! Our sacrament meeting theme in a month is going to be mainly on love. I was wondering if it would be alright to use this arrangement. Also, I just want to get your professional opion….would the violin part sound ok with a flute? Thanks for your feedback and comments!
    -Connie Johnson

    • Hi Connie, and thanks for your comment 🙂

      You are more than welcome to use this arrangement. If I can have a day (or less), I will re-write the violin part, as the flute cannot go below middle C however the violin part I wrote goes down to a G. I will send you an email when completed so you know it’s ready. I’ll also add it to this website (in case I lose it further down the track ;D ).

      Good luck with it – it’s such a beautiful song!


  2. I love this arrangement, it is beautifully done. Do you mind if we use it for our YW Evening in Excellence? We have flute, violin, and singers that we want to showcase.

  3. Hi Brittany,

    Thank you so much! You are more than welcome to use it. I hope your YW Evening in Excellence goes well, and a wonderful time is had by all. 😀

  4. Hi Brittany,
    I am looking ahead and planning the Primary Music for our ward this coming year and this happens to be August’s song!! Do you mind if we use your arrangement for our Sacrament Meeting Program? It sure would add a lot, I’m sure!

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