Music Teacher resources for violin and piano teachers

Denley Music

Category: Ward Music Chairman

  • Bring back the Music Workshops!

    I was reflecting back this morning on how I got to where I am today with my music.  It really came down to a few influential people in my life. I’ll save that information for another post, but I did want to mention Donald Newton.  “Don” as he was known to us musos. I have […]

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  • Music Appreciation in Relief Society

    I had typed these up a while ago, but they may come in handy for Relief Society or where needed:- Learning new hymns (the Music Chairperson will let you know which lesser known hymns are coming up in Sacrament meeting to revise during Music Appreciation) Understanding the words of a hymn (reading the hymn aloud […]

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  • Chorister or Music Director?

    I am a Mormon (nickname for member of ‘The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), have been a Ward Music Chairman for 8 years, a music teacher for over 15 years, started piano when I was 4, violin when I was 8 and been trained professionally as a chorister (singing in a choir from […]

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  • Ward Music Chairman

    I had an interesting experience in March last year involving a few Bishopric members. It really was an eye opening experience for me. I had to deal with a lot of frustration, and still feel like I hadn’t gotten very far with one particular member, yet progressed a great deal with our newly appointed Second Counsellor who had […]

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