Music Teacher resources for violin and piano teachers

Denley Music

Category: Ward Choir

  • Chorister or Music Director?

    I am a Mormon (nickname for member of ‘The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), have been a Ward Music Chairman for 8 years, a music teacher for over 15 years, started piano when I was 4, violin when I was 8 and been trained professionally as a chorister (singing in a choir from […]

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  • Getting your Ward Choir up and running

    How do you get your Ward Choir up and running? Here are a few ideas:- 1. Instant choir. Call members as choristers (an official calling from the Bishopric), choose really easy hymns and let the choristers know when and what they’ll be singing. Have a quick rehearsal beforehand, then off you go. You need relatively […]

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  • Making the most out of your Ward Choir and the Hymnbook

    Ever had that sinking feeling when you have been assigned a hymn to prepare for an upcoming event, and you know your choir isn’t brilliant but they’re willing enough, and you have very little time to get it all together? I have no idea why Stake Presidencies choose the musical numbers for Ward Conference these […]

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  • Ways to vary Ward Choir

    So we know there are a gazillion things you can do with your Ward Choir, but what else can we do to vary the musical items in our wards? Team up a couple of families each month, and have each ‘team’ of families present a different musical item each month (ie two families present their […]

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