A little on the subject of practising and parents…
I found this article on a site called Piano253.com and it expresses what I feel about practising so well. I feel it is so important to have parents on board with their child’s practise, to check if anything needs to be read or signed, perhaps take notes in your child’s lesson. I even have parents record their child’s […]
Bow Hold Buddies™ – Dianna Denley’s review
I recently purchased some of Ruth and Martha Brons’ wonderful Bow Hold Buddies™. Their website ‘Things for Strings’ is listed in my links column (as ‘Bow Hold Buddies’). What are Bow Hold Buddies™? A FANTASTIC idea designed to help students develop their bow hold with ease, with the assistance of some buddies (photos from the Things for […]
Music Teaching – How to fit it in with family life
Someone asked me a few days ago how I manage to fit all my students into my schedule, my own family (hubby and two kids), my practise time, composing time, house cleaning, helping the kids with homework, garden work, looking after 4 rabbits and a fish, lesson preparation, repertoire searching and blog time. Well, I […]
‘Lesson 1 A Tune A Day’ Part 2 (young violin beginner)
There is an awful lot of pre-preparation work for younger students that needs to be done with the violin before we can begin to play the ‘dots’ on the page. The aim today with one of my littlies was to get through something on ‘Lesson 1’ from the A Tune A Day book. Even if […]
Secret Piano Teacher’s Business (AKA Winter Piano Seminar) Sydney
The Winter Piano Seminar was held in Sydney on Friday 16th July 2010 at the Wesley Conference Centre, Pitt Street, Sydney. There were teachers from all over Sydney (and beyond) in attendance, and the room looked pretty full to me. After the welcome was a Masterclass by Abe Cytrynowski on ‘Scintillating Scales’ followed by a […]
Whose Child Is This?
Whose Child is This? “Whose child is this?” I asked one day Seeing a little one out at play. “Mine,” said the parent with a tender smile. “Mine to keep a little while; To bathe his hands and comb his hair To tell him what he is to wear; To prepare for him his daily […]
I mean to work hard…
Just to put a smile on your face, as it does to everyone who comes into my studio. I have this picture stuck up on the side of my bookshelf. I have no idea where it is from but 10 years ago when I opened up my piano stool, it was the first thing I […]
So it begins…
Greetings and welcome to my site! I don’t profess to be brilliant at either of the instruments I play. RSI and arthritis prevents me from even playing at weddings these days, but I do appreciate the gift I have been given and thoroughly enjoy being able to pass on the information and joy I have […]
Tag cloud
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