Music Teacher resources for violin and piano teachers

Denley Music

Category: Theory

  • Getting a little creative with rhythms and composing

    With so many students preparing to sit their AMEB examinations, I wanted to keep on top of their sight reading skills.  Of course when we’re constantly going through new repertoire it’s no problem, but I don’t like to get stuck into the ‘typical’ exam routine where students are only focused on their exam work and […]

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  • Spelling Bee – violin game

    My son was recently in a Spelling Bee competition at his school and did really well (was in the final top 10 – so proud of him!).  I previously had my piano students play a game with cards involving words you could spell with the letters ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’, ‘E’, ‘F’ and ‘G’.  The […]

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  • The Music Alphabet Poster

    Here’s something to laminate and use with your students if they are having trouble remembering the musical alphabet. You can sing the standard ‘Alphabet song’ simply repeating these 7 letters over and over throughout the song. How to vary:- Start from ‘A’ and keep working your way around. Start from any other letter and keep […]

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  • AMEB Online Examinations – Notes from Feb Seminar

    Relying purely on my notes here from the Feb/March-whenever-it-was Seminar I attended on the new Online Examinations for Theory. Covered first was the concern teachers mainly had with the online examinations on just how to prevent students from cheating.  We learned:- A parent would need to pay for the theory exams/practice examinations firstly by credit […]

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  • Feb/March 2010 AMEB Theory Exam Seminar

    I attended a theory Seminar at the beginning of 2010.  I can’t remember if it was held in February or March but I did take lots of notes that I thought might be useful to post here. Discussed was the upcoming Online Theory Examinations, written exams in general and the change to the Folk Songs. […]

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  • Treble Clef Lines and Spaces

    Here are some posters I made up to go with the mnemonics I use for the Treble Clef.  I was taught the “Every Good Boy Deserves Fruit” one when I was first learning, but combine that with the “Good Boys Deserve Fruit Always” for the bass clef lines, I used to get very confused!  I like the “Elephants” […]

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  • First Grade Theory terms game

    This was a game I played with both my First Grade and Second Grade Theory classes this year. How to play:- Print out, cut and laminate the Crazy Quotes and the level of Theory Italian Terms you want. Place the theory terms and Crazy Quotes face down in a pile.  Students to choose one of […]

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