Complete Set Violin Flash Cards – Printable
Ta-DAH! Here’s the complete set of violin flash cards. I did a set with a blue border (because too much pink will drive ME nuts), and a set with a pink border (because I know the little girls I teach will LOVE them. Backs of the cards, to stop students from ‘cheating’ (depending on what paper you print […]
Rhythm Review – Mitten Match Up from Jeana Beasley’s site
I printed up a copy of Jeana’s rhythm mittens last week, and they have proven to be a huge hit amongst my students. Jeana has created Level 1 and 2 so far. There are two of each mitten, so you can play ‘Snap’ or Memory/Concentration, or just see how many rhythms a student can get through in […]
Four Corner Drill Group Game
This is a great drill game for 4 or more students. To play:- You need 4 cards that need drilling (whether it be a rhythm or notes – ie Semibreve, Minim, Crotchet and Quaver) Stick duplicate cards up in the 4 corners of your room (unless students know from memory – to make it harder). Students […]
Christmas Intervals Game for Violin
I needed an interval drill game for my violin students. There are lots of great ones out there for piano students. I usually show my violin students the intervals firstly on the staff then on the piano, and they can easily hold one finger down on one note and count up the distance on the piano […]
Mnemonics for Modes
Anyone else had trouble remembering modes? They are (for a C major scale):- Ionian/Major Scale: C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C Dorian: D, E, F, G, A, B, C, D Phrygian: E, F, G, A, B, C, D, E Lydian: F, G, A, B, C, D, E, F Mixolydian: G, A, B, C, […]
Order of Sharps – poster
I’ve been meaning to put this one up for a while, but hadn’t gotten around to it. I have been using this particular mnemonic with most of my students for quite a long time and it isn’t one they forget easily. I grew up hearing ‘Father Charles Goes Down And Ends Battle’ and the reverse […]
Counts and Chocolate Cake
Ever had trouble remembering the note counts/values? When I only had a couple of students, and they were beginners, I would bake a cake (or cupcakes) and we would dissect them into Semibreves, Minims and Crotchets (aka whole notes, half notes and quarter notes). Now I just talk about the visual image to my students, […]
Musical Mysteries – BBC Flash computer game with lesson plans
I was browsing through a few sites and came across a great game to help students become familiar with orchestral instruments. It can be found here: BBC Musical Mysteries. The aim is to help Robbie find his Grandfather’s music. The Grandfather is a conductor of an orchestra and he has lost his music. He needs […]
Bass Clef Lines and Spaces Posters
Some teachers like to use landmark notes, others use ‘rhymes’ or mnemonics to memorise the lines and spaces. I like to use a combination of both – you can’t go wrong then 😀 I have these posters on the wall in my teaching area above my piano. Most of my students don’t need to look at them, […]
Time Signature/Meter Card Game
Need to revise time signatures/meters with your students? Here’s a matching card game to help. Meter/ Time Signature Cards Alternative uses:- Using rhythm worksheets from Wendy Steven’s Compose Create site (see previous post ‘Getting creative with rhythms and composing‘), clap or tap different time signatures/meters with your students. Clap/play a rhythm and see if your student […]
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