Holiday Music Camp – Younger Beginners (Piano) – 1 hour
The outline for my younger beginner piano students was as follows:- Game: Snap with Bug Flash Cards (found on Susan Paradis’ website) here: Large fly flash cards and here for the ones on the keyboard: Keyboard Fly Flash Cards. We played Concentration/Memory, and the students used large green fly swatters when they got a match. It […]
Holiday Music Camp
I recently conducted a Holiday Music Camp open for all my students to attend. About half of them did, the rest were enjoying holidays (we have 6 weeks of holidays over the Christmas break in Australia). I haven’t done something of this magnitude before with my students, but they like to suggest things to me […]
Dinosaur Stomp – getting creative with little composers
For one of the groups of students at my Holiday Music Camp, I am going to use this simple rhythm. I do know that Paleontologists dig up dinosaur bones really, but it’s all part of the ‘Archaeology’ fun of our Studio Theme. My students need to clap this rhythm through, and work out a simple […]
The Dig Challenge
To start next year off, my exam students are going to face a few challenges. Ten of them to be exact. I want to make sure they are on track with their examination work and they’re having fun at the same time. A lot of my students are still learning to set their own personal […]
‘Dig’ Positive Reward Notices
I wanted to create some little handouts that went along with our theme and were easy for me to fill out so that if I noticed any of my students doing amazing things (or just doing what they’re supposed to do) I could reward them for that effort. On the other hand, I didn’t want to […]
The Great Music Dig introduction
For the commencement of The Great Music Dig’ theme, I decided to write up a brief outline for my students outlining the theme. I provided a brief explanation of an archaeology dig site and a description of some of the tools archaeologists might use. I then likened the archaeology dig site tools to the ones […]
The Great Music Dig – Studio Theme
If I hadn’t become a Music Teacher or Legal Secretary, I think I would have pursued one of the umbrellas of Geology (my brother is a geologist). Volcanology for one really fascinates me. Archaeology does too, so I was thinking towards the end of last term that it would be really nice to have a ‘theme’ […]
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