Dr Seuss General Knowledge Cards
Well, it’s exciting at my place! We have moved into a new home, and I have a new teaching space to organise, and I get to actually finish what I had planned to do last year with my Dr Seuss theme. I like to make sure my students know what is going on with all […]
Note Race Game for Violin or Piano
A game I use with my students that needed a little ‘Dr Seuss-ing’. For Violin:- – Put the cards on the music stand – You need two or more players – Remove the Middle C card. It isn’t needed on the violin – Each player takes a turn turning over a card – Start from […]
Look How Many Of You There Are! Cat in the Hat poster
When I had my frog chart up on my door, my younger students loved to just stand there and count the number of students I had whilst waiting for me to finish with the student before them. Parents thought it was great too, and I thought it was good for some parents to see that […]
Scale Rhythm Cards
I whipped up some Scale Rhythms using the names of Dr Seuss’ books. The idea is that you give your student a scale to play, and they choose one of these cards and play their scale with the rhythm of the way you’d say the card. The Harry Potter ones were a great hit with […]
You Can Steer Yourself Any Direction You ‘Chews’
I removed all the Harry Potter containers and jars from my piano, and I have a new canister there now. It is labelled “You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you ‘chews’ “. I have filled it with Apple Chews, and students are drooling! […]
A New Theme For A New Term – Dr Seuss!
Given the craziness of life at the moment, I needed a really nice, easy theme for the next two terms. I need to keep my students happy and motivated too, and the Harry Potter one seemed to do that. A lot of them were disappointed that I didn’t have this new one up in time for […]
Golden Snitches and a Tally Board
My studio finished up with the Warthogs theme last term. Most of my students got involved and absolutely loved it, but you may get some students who can’t do Harry Potter either because they’re too young or for religious reasons. We had an awful lot of fun though. Slytherdor won. We worked out they ended up with […]
Warthogs in Progress
Two days into recording points for the houses, and we’re doing really well so far! Lots of house points already. The ‘5’ points is from someone getting all the musical symbol flash cards correct. Appropriate tags for the jars. The label on ‘Amortentia’ states “…must be administered continuously to maintain effect’. Perfect for flash cards, […]
Warthogs Music Symbol Flash Cards
To go with my Warthogs theme, I whipped up some music symbol flash cards for my violin and piano students. Feel free to take out ones that are not relevant to your studio. You can find the flash cards here: Music Symbol Flash Cards If you’d like backs on the flash cards, they’re here: Music […]
Slytherdor and Ravenpuff Student Sorting Cards
Something simple, but it works. I cut out these cards, put them in a small Pringles container and hid that underneath my Musical Sorting Hat. Each student gets to put their hand under the hat “Careful, it has been known to bite”, and pull out a random card. No peeking! Here’s the link: Slytherdor and […]
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