Music Teacher resources for violin and piano teachers

Denley Music

Category: String Group

  • String Group Sight Reading

    I have been surprising the students in my String Group with sight reading each Friday that they’re here.  It’s not particularly difficult sight reading, but does have some techniques that they may have just learned in their lessons (for the second grade students anyway), or it’s good revision for the higher grade students.  We only have […]

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  • String Group G Scale warm ups

    One of the things I teach my violin students is how to do natural minor scales.  The AMEB don’t have them in their syllabus, but they sure sound pretty when you play them as a round!  I also teach the natural minor scales to my piano students so they can know/understand the melodic minor scale […]

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  • Students in a String Group – what do they get out of it?

    Due to popular request by a lot of my violin students, I now hold a String Group for them one Friday night each month. Prior to it, I will give them music to learn at home.  On the Friday, they bring their music, and we do some scales and I organise some sight reading for […]

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