Four Mystery Halloween Pieces
We don’t really celebrate Halloween here in Australia. I have noticed more and more kids trick or treating around my area each year though. I find it’s a great excuse to get my students to do something different and perhaps do some Halloween composing or play some Halloween rhythm games. This year I have written […]
My Heavenly Father Loves Me – violin and piano parts
I had some spare time this afternoon, and as my Hubby was playing with his new computer, I thought I’d play around with some music programs on mine to see if I was any better at transposing music (takes me ages to learn how to use new software). The bonus was that when I logged […]
Barbie.com piano/vocal songs for the girls
My sister kindly pointed out to me recently that Barbie.com have 4 songs free to download and print for the piano. They are too hard for beginners to play, but they do have a sing along part. The four songs are from The Island Princess and include:- ‘Always More’ ‘Here On My Island’ ‘I Need To […]
Wishing For Spring
Here’s another song I wrote for another student I have with a broken arm (why do they keep breaking their right arms?). It is of First Grade standard and there are a few tricky components in it such as finger swapping, octave jumping, a few accidentals thrown in at the end (still a 5 finger pattern) and hand […]
The Sad Hand Song
This is another of the songs I wrote for my student who broke her right arm. It has some fifths and a few hand position changes. It did put a huge smile on her face though and she said it wasn’t too difficult to play. It’s about 1st grade standard. I haven’t included any fingering […]
How Firm A Foundation for 2 violins and piano
I needed a modified arrangement of this popular hymn for the Primary Presentation 2009 (to end it with a bang of course). We did this hymn at the end as a congregational number and I played the violin 2 part first, then ended the hymn on the last verse with the violin 1 part (we had organ […]
The First Noel for 2 violins, double bass and piano
I needed to throw something together for some of my students to perform in Christmas 2008. Even though this arrangement is simple, it is quite effective and those who played enjoyed the ensemble work. I think a cello could play the double bass part quite easily. For the separate parts, click here: The First Noel […]
I Hope They Call Me On A Mission – Piano Trio Primary Song
A very popular song in our Primary Song Book is ‘I Hope They Call Me On A Mission’. I have three young gentlemen I teach who are great buddies, a very similar age and all learn piano from me. I thought it would be a fantastic idea for them to do a piano trio as […]
Frogs in a Pond – Piano sheet music
A student of mine broke her right arm, and because plaster casts need to be on for a minimum of 6 weeks, we decided to do some left hand work and some extra theory. Here is a cute song I whipped up (literally, in 10 mins so please excuse its simpleness). It is for the […]
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