Music Teacher resources for violin and piano teachers

Denley Music

Category: Music gadgets

  • Strengthening Fingers with Clothes Pegs

    I purchased some medium sized art pegs.  They’re about half the size of a clothes peg but if you can’t get these, a clothes peg will work fine. The student needs to make a curved ‘Pacman’ shape with their thumb and first finger on the peg (has to be that curved ‘C’ shape for this […]

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  • Need a free metronome?

    All you need is the Internet.  There is a free online metronome available at It’s easy to use – just click on the tempo you want.  Click ‘off’ when you want it to stop, and it will even give you a concert pitch ‘A’.  Best of all, it’s free! I have referred a few […]

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  • Seats and Stools and Somebunnies, OH MY!

    As you can see, I have a patchwork seat cover on my piano stool, thanks to my Mother-in-Law.  I LOVE it!  It is unique – not another one like it.  My students adore it, and have been known to absentmindly pick at some of the ribbon detail on it (they are told to stop it as soon as […]

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  • Studio Friends

    I have a few friends hanging around my studio.  Three, in fact.  I thought I’d give them a bit of a plug, as they’re really quite popular. They usually watch to make sure students are playing with correct technique.  If Gulp sees flat fingers on the piano, he usually reaches over making munching sounds and […]

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  • A ‘Handy’ Music Pointer

    A ‘handy’ little gadget I use with my piano students is a hand pointer.  Reaching over to point out things in students’ music on the page furthest from me was hurting my back until I picked up a couple of these at our Book Week Store at my kids Primary School.  You can get ones […]

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