I Am a Child of God for beginner/easy violin
I have done a few versions of I am a Child of God for violin over the years, but I lose them on my computer. Here are two. One is ‘fancier looking’, and the other is just plain and simple with larger notes. I do the piano accompaniment straight out of the hymn book, as […]
Parts of the Violin and Bow Printout/Handout
I was looking at some other violin teacher resources sites, and found this drawing, labelling the parts of the violin and bow beautifully. I found it on a site called violinteachingresources.wordpress.com which links where they originally got the drawing from, but unfortunately the original site is no longer visible on the Web. It’s such a […]
3 Ways to Read Music Poster
I came across a poster in Pinterest (of course!) that I really liked, but I couldn’t find the source anywhere (apologies to the brilliant teacher who initially put the photo up). So I made my own one for my studio wall. Here’s a pdf of my version. I printed it out much larger for my […]
The Frog in the Bog – String Group Easy Violin Trio
Another fun String Group song. This one introduces triplets. I recommend singing it first, to get the feel of the triplets, then clapping it. The violin 3 part is fantastic for beginners. Violin 1 and 2 are perfect for 1st and 2nd year students. Here’s the score of The Frog in the Bog: The Frog […]
Copy Me
This is a really simple open string and 1st finger song I wrote for my beginner students to play in their String Group. I played first, and had them all copy me. I gave them all the score (not separate parts) so that they could learn to follow along what was being played. I had them sing […]
Ode to Joy for three violins – easy
This is an easy song I wrote for my String Group (aka violin ensemble). Most are beginners, with some into their second year of playing. Because they’re sight reading, I need to keep it simple but effective for them. My higher grade students will play Vln 1. Here’s my arrangement of Ode to Joy […]
Violin Ensemble/ String Group Scale Warm ups and pieces
My ‘String Group’ (violin ensemble) started back up this month. As I have many beginners, I decided the repertoire had to be really simple. We concentrated on listening to each other, and playing in tune. After spending 5 mins tuning everyone up, we started. Our first song: G Major Scale simple Those who wish to […]
Violin Skittle Game 2
I have made a slightly harder version of my Violin Skittle Game. The previous one (here) didn’t have notes on the staff. My new one has flash cards with staff notes but no 4th finger notes. You can add the open string, then first finger notes, then second finger note cards etc. gradually if you […]
Jingle Bells for easy violin – teacher/student duet
It’s that time of the year. Can you believe it?! I have just started first finger with one of my littlies, so I thought I would write out a suitable arrangement of Jingle Bells that we could do together. I have kept the teacher part very simple, so as not to confuse the student with […]
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star for Beginner Violin
One of my littler students proudly informed me today that she had volunteered to play violin with their class. They were going to sing ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ in German and she was going to play the melody with them on the violin. One slight problem (only very minor)…we haven’t started fingers yet. We’re nearly […]
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