Music Teacher resources for violin and piano teachers

Denley Music

Bow Hold Buddies™ – Dianna Denley’s review

I recently purchased some of Ruth and Martha Brons’ wonderful Bow Hold Buddies™.  Their website ‘Things for Strings’ is listed in my links column (as ‘Bow Hold Buddies’).

What are Bow Hold Buddies™?  A FANTASTIC idea designed to help students develop their bow hold with ease, with the assistance of some buddies (photos from the Things for Strings website).

I have been in contact with Ruth and she let me know the following:-

Our website will also soon be updated to offer the the pinky support by itself, the Hold Fish accessory [$19.95USD], in Concert Black or Frosty Clear, as well as a line of discounted Studio Kits.

These instant bow hold aids, first invented to help my own students, have now been available for almost exactly a year.�
My students and I have really enjoyed having them in my own studio, and we are thrilled they  have helped students in over 40 countries already!
The accessories were received with much interest in the exhibit halls at USA music educator conferences this year, including ASTA, SAA, TMEA and NYSSMA,
and have been favorably reviewed by Strad, Strings and Music Teacher magazines.�
In fact, I learned just yesterday that Strad is working on an upcoming full length feature article! 


The Cellophant Bow Hold Buddy™
I can’t do the Bow Hold Buddies™ justice enough.  I think they are just an amazing helpful invention and will certainly make my life easier as a violin teacher.
I do have to say that my 3 year old student has a set.  We had spent 4 weeks trying to place little fingers on the bow.  I attach the Bow Hold Buddies™ and VOILA!  Instant bow hold!  It means we can do other things during our lesson time, like play music games, rather than check the bow hold every 5 mins.
Violin Bow Hold Buddies™
Violin Bow Hold Buddies™

2 responses to “Bow Hold Buddies™ – Dianna Denley’s review”

  1. Hi Dianna
    Do you order direct from the Things for Strings? SEems a great idea, but expensive with postage. Can they be bought in Sydney. Your blog is great

    • Hi Janet
      Unfortunately we do have to order directly from Things for Strings at the moment as it is a fairly recent product on the market in America (just over a year, I believe, of them selling the product).

      Thanks for your comment 😀

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