Music Teacher resources for violin and piano teachers

Denley Music

Appropriate funeral songs

I was asked to play at my Grandma’s funeral today.  I had two days to come up with something appropriate and something I could throw together as a violin solo.  It couldn’t be religious (Grandma was an RSL Club type person, was not really church going), and due to the general age of the people attending (Grandma’s age), it had to be something somewhat familiar.

What a task!

I came up with these:-

What A Wonderful World

The Rainbow Connection

There was instant recognition of these pieces, happy exclamations and people started to sing along, which was wonderful.  There were lots of tears shed too especially with ‘What a Wonderful World’.

I could have made them harder, but  I had to make sure I could play them even with tears streaming down my face.  Thankfully all was good and tissues were not required 😀

I even chuckled afterwards when we were loading my violin in the car and a guest commented “I’m surprised…you sounded professional.  Not even like one of those ‘Eeee eeeee’ (does the bowing action) kids.  I loved it”.  LOL um thanks!



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