Music Teacher resources for violin and piano teachers

Denley Music

Angels We Have Heard on High – Handbells

I was thinking about Singing Time in Primary next week, and I decided as they’re going to be singing in Sacrament Meeting, that I could do something a little more enjoyable in Singing Time and use the set of bells I have.  We did something a few weeks ago that they loved, and I will post that up soon however I got a little creative today and did my best attempt at drawing notes in Publisher.  There is a secret to getting notes in there, I just don’t know about it yet so please ignore the stems.  They are driving me nuts enough as it is 😀

The colours on my version of ‘Angels We Have Heard On High’ are taken from the set of Aldi bells I purchased about a year ago.  The bells are numbered, so you may prefer to number the notes before you laminate the bell music.  You can also just use the second page if you prefer the ‘chorus’ only (and yes, the quavers are the smaller noteheads).  Unfortunately at this point the crotchets and minims look the same.  The kids I’m doing this with won’t be able to tell anyway.

I will be pointing along to the notes as the children play them.

For a copy of the handbell music of ‘Angels We Have Heard On High’, click here: Angels We Have Heard on High HANDBELLS

Edited to note: My printer decided not to differentiate between the dark blue and light blue, so you may need to write in “LB” (Light Blue) and “DB” (Dark Blue) if your printer does the same.

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