Music Teacher resources for violin and piano teachers

Denley Music

AMEB Room 9 – candidates playing with back to accompanist

*sigh* another whinge, but at least you’ll be informed:-

The AMEB Examining Rooms on Level 8 in Clarence Street are beautifully done with new grand pianos but there is a problem with the set up in Room 9.  Because of the Child Protection Laws, examiners must be sitting in full view of the little glass panel in the door.  Also because of the positioning of the piano in Room 9, students must have the stand facing the window (with their back to the accompanist) in order for the examiner to be able to see them.

In all my years of being examined, I could always maintain eye contact with my accompanist, and indeed my accompanying colleagues will tell you that they are trained to watch the soloist and follow them.  Why then, is the AMEB allowing candidates to go against good training and play with their back to their accompanist?  It is rather offputting for students who have been taught to do an upbeat and little gestures for the accompanist to follow.

Now here’s the interesting thing.  I was actually scheduled for Room 7 and I have no idea why the room was changed on the day, except that Maree (AMEB exam co-ordinator/Receptionist) said that it was in order to separate the three different lots of examinations taking place (Cello, Piano and Violin).

If you have experienced any difficulties like with with AMEB room scheduling, please let them know as currently they are not aware of any teachers displeased with the room set up.



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