Music Teacher resources for violin and piano teachers

Denley Music

AMEB (NSW) Warm Up Room

On Level 8 of the AMEB Clarence Street Office, there is a large waiting room with reception desk and a warm up room.  The warm up room consists of a cello chair, a music stand and two upright pianos.

Today were signs outside the room that said “Warm Up Room Only, 5 mins allowed.  Instrumentalists only, no teachers, no accompanists, no piano students”. It said something about Grade 8 piano or higher could use it as a practice room.

Teachers do need to tune their student’s violins in there but can’t be in there for anything else.

And poor piano students lower than grade 8, I’m sorry but unless you actually bring your own piano to your exam room and will need to tune it beforehand, you can’t go into the warm up room 🙁

The reason for this is in previous years, teachers were using the room to give a run through/lesson prior to exams and it wasn’t fair to those who actually needed a quick tune up prior to examinations.



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