Music Teacher resources for violin and piano teachers

Denley Music

Primary Song Scrambles

This is not really an appropriate activity for the Juniors to do, but we have very clever seniors in our Primary, and I thought this might be a great thing to do for revision, or just to go through some songs we know.  Song scrambles!

They’re not quite opposites, but the title of the song is certainly scrambled up and the children need to work out what the song is, and then sing it.

Be sure to give a copy of the answer page to your pianist to make it easier for them 😀

To print out a copy of the scrambled 12 songs, click here: Primary Song Scrambles

To print a copy of the answer sheet (including the scrambled song titles), click here: Primary Song Scrambles answer sheet



One response to “Primary Song Scrambles”

  1. Thank you for coming up with this great idea. One of my daughters and I both are speaking in Sacrament Meeting tomorrow & I’m struggling with getting Singing Time prepared as well. You are an angel!

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