Music Teacher resources for violin and piano teachers

Denley Music

Holiday Music Camp – Younger Beginners (Piano) – 1 hour

The outline for my younger beginner piano students was as follows:-

Game: Snap with Bug Flash Cards (found on Susan Paradis’ website) here: Large fly flash cards and here for the ones on the keyboard: Keyboard Fly Flash Cards.  We played Concentration/Memory, and the students used large green fly swatters when they got a match.  It was a hoot!  I would change one thing though…towards the end we realised my flash cards were see through.  Thank goodness the students didn’t cheat at the beginning!  Looking back, I would have liked to have also done a Note Swap Race, but we had fun and learned things anyway.  Note Swap Race instructions are here: Note Swap Race instructions

Game: Cover the Keys Bingo (also found on Susan Paradis’ website) here: Cover the Keys Bingo.  We used white board markers and laminated game board for this.  We played a couple of rounds of this game.  If you had students without allergies and who didn’t bounce off the walls with sugar, you could use skittles or M&Ms as markers.

Activity Song: Dr Knickerbocker (from a CD I have)  Students had to pair up and do the actions with me.  They giggled LOTS during this song. (The Wiggles have a version here: Dr Knickerbocker Wiggles Version

Composition: Students were given this Dinosaur Stomp worksheet and had to come up with their own short melody.  The rules were that it had to be in C major, it needed to begin on a C or a G, and definitely needed to end on a C (although one student made it more difficult and composed it into A minor, but that was okay).  They got to fumble around on the piano in turns as they were writing their compositions, then they got to practice them really quickly.

I like setting parameters for composition when students first start out, as it gets their confidence going.  Going by the exclamations of “YESSSSSS” I think my students like doing them too 😀 

Performance: Students were able to perform their composition for their parents, who applauded exuberantly after each one!

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