Music Teacher resources for violin and piano teachers

Denley Music

Mad Fingerboard Dash

In an effort to make sure my students know their notes and not just “that’s first finger A” or “third finger D”, I came up with the Mad Fingerboard Dash.

How to play:-

  • Set up the Fingerboard Dash letter names on a table top, blue tack to the wall or lay on the floor.
  • Hold up flash cards.  Student has to tap letter name card that matches up with with the finger placement on the fingerboard on the Mad Fingerboard Dash playing cards.

For a copy of the Fingerboard Dash Letter Names, click here Mad Fingerboard Dash Letter Names

To print out the Fingerboard Dash flashcards, click here Mad Fingerboard Dash flashcards


You could use the Mad Fingerboard Dash flashcards along with Staff notes flash cards from Susan Paradis’ website for better note reading.  See how many cards the student can match up in 1 minute.

Have one pile of Mad Fingerboard Dash flashcards and one pile of Staff Note flashcards face down. Alternate them face up in two separate piles in front of the student and see if they can match any up. They have to name the notes first, of course!

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