Music Teacher resources for violin and piano teachers

Denley Music

Violin Skittle Game

After finding a fabulous “Skittles Board Game” from Susan Paradis’ website  with a piano game board and playing cards, I realised that it would work very well for violin students.

You need:-

  1. A violin fingerboard game board for each player
  2. A set of playing cards
  3. A packet of skittles

How to play:

  1. Give each player a game board.  Place the set of playing cards in the centre of the table.  Place the skittles in a container in the centre of the table.
  2. Player one turns over a playing card.  If it is a letter, they place a skittle on the fingerboard game board in front of them (ie if they turn over a ‘G’, they can choose which ‘G’ to place the skittle on).  If they turn over an action card, they follow the directions on the card.
  3. Continue in an anti-clockwise direction (unless you happen to turn over the ‘Reverse’ card)

You can Download the Violin Skittle Gameboard here.

Download the Violin skittle playing cards here.

To see Susan Paradis’ piano skittle board game complete with game board and playing cards, go here: Piano Skittles Board Game

I also encourage my students to know where the note are on a staff or stave and use the ‘piano skittles board game’ on my violin students too.

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