Music Teacher resources for violin and piano teachers

Denley Music

How are YOU presenting your lessons?

I was recently reminiscing about a teaching course I attended a while ago which wasn’t specifically about teaching music, but teaching in general.

Our course instructor had a gorgeous cake next to her.  She asked us if we wanted a piece of this ‘to die for’ cake.  Of course we all said “yes”.   She proceeded to hand out plates, and then indicated for the first person to come up to get their piece of cake.  She scooped her hand into one side of the cake, pulled out a chunk and slopped it on his plate. “There, does that look as apetising now? she asked.  “No”, was the reply.  She then cut a lovely big piece from the other side and carefully placed it neatly on his plate along with a cake fork and folded napkin.  “How about now? she asked.  “Mmmmmm…this looks fantastic”.  Conclusion: It’s all about the way it is presented to you.

(and yes, the cake was delicious).

So how do YOU present your lessons?  You can have all the handouts, games, pictures and gadgets in the world, but it’s all about the way you present your lessons that make the difference.


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