Music Teacher resources for violin and piano teachers

Denley Music

Violin String Note Race Game

String Note Race Game

Cards for String Note Race Game can be found here: Violin String Note Race Game Cards

Print out note names C (do) D (re) E (mi) F (fa) G (sol) A (la) B (ti) High C (do)  and laminate.

Divide students up into two groups (or teacher – v – student).  Each has a pile of cards.  One team starts by turning over a card and playing that note.  First person to get an ‘A’, and plays it correctly wins.

I have included solfege on the cards because one of the instruction books I teach from uses it, but generally I use the alphabet letters.  I think it’s handy to know both in case they want to go further with their music studies one day (and go to the Conservatorium of Music perhaps? or study 3 Unit music) where they will need to learn it.


  • You choose the note that wins.
  • Use only one deck of cards for a shorter game.
  • Use one deck of cards and with each turn, get higher and higher until they can’t go any further.  Great for position review.


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