Music Teacher resources for violin and piano teachers

Denley Music

Violin Games for Beginners “Pluck that string”.


I am currently teaching a 3 year old.  It isn’t difficult, but you do need to use a LOT of games to make your point, to teach them well and maintain interest.

Here’s one I play in my first lesson which I have titled “Pluck that string”.

How to play:

  • Student sits on the floor with their violin in their lap.  I sit opposite them with my violin in my lap.
  • We go over the open strings one by one, making sure the student can tell the difference between them (point out G is the thickest string, E is the thinnest). I also point out that the strings spell out “G’DAE”.
  • Begin the game by telling the student you are going to call out a string, and they have to try and pluck it before you do.
  • Start slowly, ensuring the student can pluck the string you have just called out before you pluck it.  Speed it up when they get better at locating the strings.

Also a great game parents can play at home with their littlies.

For older students, I adapt it a little more to have them holding the violin in ‘proper pizzicato hold’ then play the game the same way.  Even adults need to play games, our brains seem to remember things better that way.



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