Music Teacher resources for violin and piano teachers

Denley Music

String Group Sight Reading

I have been surprising the students in my String Group with sight reading each Friday that they’re here.  It’s not particularly difficult sight reading, but does have some techniques that they may have just learned in their lessons (for the second grade students anyway), or it’s good revision for the higher grade students.  We only have an hour for our String Group, so I try and make their sight reading pretty sounding but fairly basic so they can concentrate on their intonation and getting ‘together’ with the other members of the group.

Here are some sight reading pieces I wrote out for them:-

Scale Fun for Four June 2013 (a quartet, or two violinists per part if you have enough students).

SERENE SOUNDS (a really pretty, relaxing song with lots of tremolo revision)

Friday Fun Round

On our first String Group get together, I did my arrangement of the Irish Washerwoman trio (found in this post here: which they all enjoyed.


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