Music Teacher resources for violin and piano teachers

Denley Music

Golden Snitches and a Tally Board

My studio finished up with the Warthogs theme last term.  Most of my students got involved and absolutely loved it, but you may get some students who can’t do Harry Potter either because they’re too young or for religious reasons.

We had an awful lot of fun though.  Slytherdor won.  We worked out they ended up with almost double the points of what the poor Ravenpuffs were able to achieve.

Here are the few final details you probably wanted to see.

Golden Snitches:

These were gold foil covered chocolate balls.  They were a big hit, because no-one had seen them before.  The secret is that they’re Christmas chocolates from Darrell Lea.  They also come covered in red and green foil, but I ate those ones ;D

…and the Tally Board for the second last week of Term:

Poor Ravenpuffs definitely got slaughtered in this challenge.  I would write up the total tally of the week in red on the top half of the board, and keep doing the weekly individual practice numbers on the bottom half of the board.  So our Harry Potter challenge lasted for 7 weeks, with another week introduction (or a practice run), and one week to close so students could see who won, and the final prize be awarded (a new shoulder rest), and one week right at the beginning to wait for all the students to come back to lessons.  Ten weeks altogether.  Hopefully that makes sense ;D

I have a new theme for the next two terms. One that  will involve the younger students too.  I think it will be as much fun and be inspirational as well.

Happy music making!