Music Teacher resources for violin and piano teachers

Denley Music

Scales with a Harry Potter Twist

Turns out scales aren’t so bad when you’re adding a different rhythm to them.  Enter…Harry Potter Rhythms!  I have taken some well known names from and put them onto cards.

The idea is that those students who are familiar with Harry Potter will go “Aaaaaaaaaah I know that person” and get all enthusiastic, then you ask them to play a scale to the rhythm of the name in bold.  The way you say it is the way you play it.  For example: Malfoy has two syllables, so if we are doing a C Major scale, it will be C – C, D – D etc. 

The harder version is to go up and down the scale with one syllable per note.

Here are the cards: Scale Rhythm Cards with Harry Potter Names

I have also included backs for those that like backs.  I do.  I print the  front and backs out on separate pieces of paper, then glue them together.  Or sometimes I cut them out first, then glue them together before laminating. ;D


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