Music Teacher resources for violin and piano teachers

Denley Music

Giant remote control

Just for something different, I quickly did up a giant remote control (a cardboard box, covered with brown paper and this Remote Control stuck on it) to resemble a giant remote control. 

I’m going to exaggerate my movements in my next singing time by pressing a button and calling it out.  Really overdo this – they will love it.

  • Stop – stop playing
  • Start – start playing
  • Swap places – swap places with your student.  If more than one, have them swap places.  Perhaps even have a parent swap with a child?
  • Swap back – Return to your original places.
  • Fast – play at a faster speed
  • Slow – play at a slower speed
  • It will work really well for little people/beginners – again do the exaggerated movements.  They can swap with you and choose whether you play the rest of the song you’re working on fast, or slow or to stop you in the middle or start you again.  I wanted to do dynamics as well, but I might save that for a different remote – it wouldn’t fit on this one ;D


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