My husband will be accompanying our Primary Children for their Childrens Sacrament Meeting Presentation because our ‘usual’ one is being a chicken and is running away! (Well he’s actually going on a family trip but I told him he was chickening out ;D )
It meant I got to have a little fun and arrange Praise to the Man according to those lovely angelic voices in my head. Let me tell you, that Sibelius doesn’t even compare to those voices!!
I have written ‘piano’ on the score, but if you have an organ available, I recommend that. It would be a bit flat at the end without the organ holding those notes on with the violin playing. It kind of gives it that bagpipe-ish feel that this arrangement seems to need.
It’s in A Flat Major because apparently Darling Hubby doesn’t like A Major. Strange fellow, isn’t he! I will do my best to transpose it up and post it without damaging my files. My computer doesn’t like me at the moment!
Here is the score:- Praise To The Man Score
Violin part: Praise To The Man – Violin – 2011-09-11 1641
Piano/Organ part just on its own: Praise To The Man – Organ