Primary Music Blog

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The Gospel Will Be Preached in All the World – September Week 2

In keeping with the Missionary Theme for this month, I flipped through the September Friend Magazine on Sunday and found this:-

…which has some cards you can cut out to play Memory/Concentration with.  I thought they would be awesome to use for Singing Time, so I enlarged them a little and added backs (because my kids like to cheat!).

I am going to give my Pianist a list of the Presentation songs we need to run through and with each match, we will just do the next one on the list.  If you wanted to use ‘Missionary’ themed songs (if your presentation is over..lucky you!), you can just write the songs you want to sing on the cards with ‘writing’, rather than the picture cards.  Does that make sense?

You could also have the children make their own set of cards to use for Sharing Time – just do a copy/printout of what is in the Friend Magazine link for each child.

Here is the link to the enlarged cards and backs: The Gospel Will Be Preached in All The World Memory Game

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